Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Relationships: To Get A Wife You Must Get A Life! (Advice For Him & Her)

To get a wife you must get a life,
True love doesn't pay bills while your bright future won't pay for electricity and gas,
There's a limit to how much a woman can endure pain all in the name of love
You don't need a lot of money to be with a woman who is truthfully and faithfully in love
But when a man is not responsible most women will remove respect from love and the man becomes ordinary with no regards
No matter how much money or luxury you give to a woman

If she has to fight for attention
Its never enough
Every woman wants happiness but what makes them happy is different
Every woman is a book read you woman to understand her
To know what makes her happy
Try and know what makes her sad

If you are not ready to give your best don't try the rest
Because every woman in the world wants the best
Be true to yourself when looking for wife
Any relationship you start with a lie will always end you in shame
Never promise a woman what you can't give to her
If you don't wanna marry her don't put her life on hold
Don't make her see you like her everything while deep inside you she's nothing to you
There's no way you waste another person's life without your life been put on hold
Love is not what you impose on people
Never force a woman to love you
If a woman loves you the whole world can't condemn you for her and
If she doesn't love you the whole world can't convince her for you
If she misses you
She will call u

If she wants you
She will say it
If she cares for you
She will show it

If she loves you
Everybody will see
If you are too possessive she will run away
If you lack confidence she feels unsafe
If she confides in you
She has a trust in you
If you talk a lot she feels you are loose
When she stops complaining
She is getting tired of you
If she can't stand you
Her reactions will tell
If you are not sensitive to her needs
She will think you are not into her
If she's done with you nothing can make her stay
If you don’t propose after many years your time is up!
If u are good she’s weak and if you are bad she’s wicked
What she wants from you will determine what she gives to you
Do not be fool by physical appearance
Treat a woman the way she has never been treated in her life and nothing will make her leave you and if she mistakenly does
She will live to regret loosing a good man like you
A Woman can make and woman can break no woman wants to share her man with another woman
If you cant be faithful to her
Then don't waste her time
A reckless player ruins his own life thinking he is enjoying the game
Those who choose to regret later in life may regret for life


To get a dream man
You must be a dream woman
There's no such thing like a perfect human being
To be waiting for a perfect partner is to wait for life
Be very mindful of your age when making your plans
Raise your standard and not your expectations
Your standard is your good personality which attracts good men while your expectation is your high expectations which attracts fake men
If your expectations are too high
No man will be good enough
When no man is good enough you end up waiting for long
When you are tired of waiting
You may end up settling for less

In a relationship all men falls into four categories
A boy
A player
A confused man and a real man
What you are looking for will determine what you get if u are being honest and truthful to yourself
To know if he's for real play the time game
If he gets you easily
He will leave you quickly
If you are easy to get you will be easier to forget
Be flexible but be very sensible
Play hard to get but not hard to want
How you present yourself sometimes determines where a man place you
Looking for a real man when you are not real woman is looking looking for a fish in the rain forest
Wise men don't date fake women
The only place you can find a fake woman is temporarily in the heart of a foolish man
But when the fool become wise
The wise person is in serious problem

Avoid too much drama if you want a man
No man wants a shameless woman
A horrible past can affect a spotless future
Don't enjoy the present at the expense of the future
You can ask for a man's attention
But never demand for his love

Demanding for a man's love is like begging for love
You can never keep what you don't have
If he shows you off to everyone at anywhere he is still in love
If he hasn't propose he's doing research
If you are too demanding
and your expectations are too high he will run away
If he complains always about your pasts he's not ready for you
If he wins your heart with cash he may not stay for long
If you are fake or materialistic he will see no wife in you
If he promise anything in bed
Abeg don't believe him (na wash)
If he can't stop talking about his EX get yourself prepared
(I no know who ask am)
If he can't find happiness at home
He will never be at home
If you nag a lot
He will take a walk
If you make the first move
He will think you're desperate and cheap
If he's not ready you are on holiday
If you are afraid of him you can never be free with him
If you are not free with him it will be hard to get along
If you can't get along don't play along
If he wins your heart with money alone
He may never stay for long
If he beat you once he will beat you again
If he slaps u n says its a mistake
He can also break your head n say its a mistake
If he doesn't propose after 5yrs
(5yrs too much sef!)

He may never propose for life
If he's too possessive life can be a hell
If he's a control freak your confidence and self esteem is at stake
If he start preaching endurance at the initial stage of meeting him
Its either he's broke
Just lost his job
Or just lazy and waiting for luck
If he wakes you up crying in the middle of the night
He's about to tell you a story that might break or make your life
Never fall for his height without checking his heart
There's no point in good looking when he's horrible at heart
Where a man is going is far better than where he stands in life
Age has nothing to do with maturity
Growing old and growing up is never the same
Dating older guys doesn't guarantee anything in a relationship
There's no age set to be wise or foolish in life
But if he's not wise @40 he might a fool for life
If he is GOD fearing you are good to go...
If He's not meant for YOU he can NEVER be for YOU.....
"Never search for a man without praying to GOD

Never date a guy forever
If a relationship is not going to work
Don't be the last person to leave
Whoever is used to freedom will surely hate control
Men love freedom while women love attention
Never deprived a man of his freedom..
Give him his space and never choke him
The reason why many men are afraid of commitment is because they are afraid a woman who is very possessive during courtship or dating
Which he thinks can make his life miserable when he finally settle down with her
Marriage is not a career while relationship is not a job
No man wants a liability

It doesn't matter how beautiful you look
Do something with your life
Marriage doesn't mean your life has to stop
When u rely on a man for everything
Be ready to accept anything he throws at you
Be financially independent
Decision making can be very difficult if your man is your only source of income in life
Many women are stuck in miserable situations because they are relying on their man for everything in life....

Remember a relationship is for 2
Always check to know if you are alone!

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