African sweetheart, I won't start by repeating what many have said initially but won't fail to let you know that ur blog have boosted many lives positively.
Gorgeous African Sweetheart reader Nkem |
I can't ever go a day without checking out for new blog posts.
As u intend to celebrate young and aspiring individuals, I also want u to celebrate me, cos I'm worth celebrating.
A young graduate who combined education and standing firm as a lady, own a business of her own nd a corper @ the moment, good to go in 2months time, that June.
Studied Microbiology in Abia State University, that makes me a great Microbe and an Ikengress. Recently got a contract job wit shell, wouldn't go into details anyway, but I tink I've done well for myself......All thanks to God nd ur blog which inspired me as well.
Aww Nkem!
I thank God for you and I couldn't agree more that your successes are worth celebrating. I pray that the same God who has brought you this far will continue to lead you, and make you bigger. Continue to be an inspiration to all the people around you. You are doing great! All glory to God!
Love Chidinma
If you would like to celebrate your success with our lovely readers, share a testimony, or appreciate someone else email
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