Sunday, March 31, 2013

Fashion We Like: Week Beginning 31st March

Honourable Patrick Obahiagbon Has A Easter Message For Us All

If you can understand it, that is.

"As we join Christians in the celebration of Easter,may we truly reflect on the quintessential modus vivendi of Master Jesus The Christ who peregrinated this incarnation as an exempli gratia of self abnegation,puritanical excrescence,spartan discipline,mental magnitude,hierophantic candour and altruistic effusions,qualities which have become a desiderata for national resurgimento."

Happy Easter all. :)

Picture of The Day: Happy Easter Beautifuls!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

John 3.16- True Love

Happy Easter.
Please take the holidays to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice. 
Jesus Christ took our place on the cross.

Style: Weekend Pastels

Love it! Soo spring :)

Lol- Coming Soon

we are hoping that this is a joke, hence the LOL title, what exactly could the plot of the movie be? 
Any takers..

Friday, March 29, 2013

Picture Of The Day

Lol- Friday!

Letter To My Future Wife By Nobel Igwe...Awww

Have you read Noble Igwe's letter to his future wife already? If not please do. So romantic! The letter came up again yesterday when the #dearfuturewife thing started trending on twitter. 
Dear Future Wife,

    I don’t know what you look like, if you are out here or reading this right now! If you are, please print this letter and bring it to our wedding reception. It will make a good read before our guests. They say behind every successful man is a woman. I’ll like to say that behind every successful man is a good woman because I’ve seen men that have shut down their businesses because they got involved with the wrong woman.

    I want to be successful and I need to find you right now more than ever. You may not know how much I need you but I come home every night with stories that I would love to share with someone special. I come home late from clubs sometimes wishing you’d be in bed waiting for me to hug your warm body. Your slot in my life is so empty it hurts because I know you are out there without me.

    I’ve often imagined how you look. Are you dark or fair in complexion? Are you Igbo, Yoruba or Hausa? I play around with different images in my head but one thing stands out, I know you are very curvy.

    Mum can’t wait to meet you and believe me, sometime ago she wanted to hook me up with a certain Kunrunmi from my village but that didn’t work. Since we are talking about mum, I’ve always prayed for a marriage where mum and my wife would be best friends. I’ll do everything possible to make sure that mum treats you like her daughter. This I promise you.

    I still don’t know why I’m writing you but I guess I was motivated by Waje’s song “Falling” especially the part that says “If you are ever planning on showing up, now would be perfect, now would be good”.

    I totally agree with her that now would be perfect. I‘ve waited for long and I need to start loving you on time. I’ve booked my tattoo date because I promise to tattoo your name on my back the day I’ll propose to you. I’m not scared of having your name on my back because when I see you, I’ll know and I promise never to leave you. No matter where we are, we must speak to each other every day at noon and have lunch once every week when we are in the same city. I’ll tattoo your initials on my “wedding ring” finger as a constant reminder to all that I belong to you totally and in whole.

    I’ve gone as far as selecting some of our special songs. On our wedding day, when you walk into the church, we’ll have Waje signing, “Here comes the bride” And just after the exchange of vows, Waje will do an accappela of “One Naira”. We’ll walk into the reception with Lami performing “Know“ Our first dance together as husband and wife should be Banky W’s “Till my dying day" Followed by Darey‘s “With this woman“ Then MI’s “God Bless You” And we’ll round our dance up with Wande Coal’s “Ololufe”.

    I know I’m making all these plans without considering you but I’ll be willing to change all or accept any modifications from you even though I pray you love them too.

    Is it okay if I tell you certain things about me? I hate hot tea. I’m not particular about food; I can eat Indomie, fried egg and plantain, 3 times a day for one month without complaining.

    I watch loads of movies and would totally be glad if you enjoy same.

    Dear, I don’t know what you don’t like but I’m totally against hairnet and wrapper.I can’t stand both either in the kitchen or in the bedroom. We’ll invest in hair wraps.

    I would have said that the maximum cloth size you are allowed to get to is 10 but that may sound superficial to other people reading this, so I’ll just leave that for us to discuss one on one. I’m Yoruba and we try hard to take care of our wives.
    I’ll work hard to make sure you don’t go hungry for one day till your dying day.

    I’ll let you decide the number of kids we’ll have but I don’t think 3 kids will be bad and together we can make a happy family of five. It’s 8:45am 17th of Jan, 2013 and I know you are somewhere out there and it does not matter if you are in another man’s arms, when I do meet you, I promise never to let you go.

    I promise to take care of you, provide you with all the reasonable good things of life that money can buy.

    If you are reading this, please give me a sign. Walk up to me on the street and plant a hot kiss on my lips as a sign.

    I look forward to the day I’ll meet you and when I meet you it does not matter where we’ve been to or who we’ve been with, we will give each other clean slates to start life afresh together as one.

    Someday I’ll go on my right knee with All 4 One‘s “I Swear“ playing in the background and I’ll ask you to marry me.

    When we wake up in the morning, we’ll have Az Yet’s “Last Night” on repeat while we have breakfast.

    I’ll write you from time to time to express how much you mean to me.

    Love, hugs and tiny wet kisses, 

    Your future husband,

    Nobs aka Stubborn Biafran soldier

Picture Of The Day: It's A Good Friday

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Relationship: 9 Dangerous Words Used By Women

Sometime ladies struggle to verbally express their emotions, so they use simple words to answer question unsimple questions. Luckily one very smart person has finally decoded the meaning to these words we ladies use...

1.) Fine : This is the word women
use to end an argument when
they are right and you need to
shut up.

Dominique Ladybug Mitchell Mua

2.) Five Minutes : If she is getting
dressed, this means a half an
hour. Five minutes
is only five minutes if you have
just been given five more
minutes to watch the game
before helping around the

3.) Nothing : This is the calm
before the storm. This means
something, and you should
be on your toes. Arguments that
begin with nothing
usually end in fine.

4.) Go Ahead : This is a dare, not
Don’t Do It!

5.) Loud Sigh : This is actually a
word, but is a non-verbal
statement often misunderstood
by men. A loud sigh means she
thinks you are an and wonders
why she is wasting
her time standing here and
arguing with you about nothing.
(Refer back to #3 for the
meaning of

6.) That’s Okay : This is one of the
most dangerous statements a
woman can make to
a man. That’s okay means she
wants to think long and hard
before deciding how ‘n
when you will pay for your

7.) Thanks : A woman is thanking
you, do not question,or Faint.
Just say you’re welcome.

8.) Whatever : Is a women’s way
of saying F*** YOU!

9.) Don’t worry about it, I’ll do it:
Another dangerous statement,
meaning this is
something that a woman has
told a man to do several times,
but is now doing it herself.
This will later result in a man
asking ‘What’s wrong?’ For the
woman’s response refer to
Turbo, then RUN!!!

Lol...Do you agree..

Style: Thursday's Traditional Chic